Tuesday, July 22, 2014


It has been a complete whirlwind here trying to get reading to leave. Right now we've got about 2 weeks left before departure. I think its doubly harder with two other people to look after as well as the fact that we live alone in a house. At this point I am really envious of the other recent college grads who just have to pack up their rooms at their parents' house. This has now been months of preparation and we still have so much stuff...like how did this even happen its like things were just copulating and multiplying under the bed or something.

Anyway, aside from that not much has really actually happened. I got some awesome videos from my amazing pred which really delighted me. I had my mom help me order yen so we'll get that when she comes this weekend. I am still really weirded out about carrying so much cash. And I finally got my address so this week is all about phone calls - notifying every place that we're moving.

We also went out and bought a butt-ton of luggage. Thankfully packing has been going great so far. Seems like we should be able to fit all our necessities plus be under the weight limit. I'm taking one big suitcase, a carry-on suitcase, and a large purse. Justin is taking a large suitcase, a carry-on suitcase, and a backpack. Yana is taking a large suitcase, a kids carry-on suitcase, and a backpack. We are also bringing a smaller suitcase to share for various other items (shoes, omiyage, coats, toys, etc.). I think this will be plenty, although in theory we are allowed 2 more large suitcases on the flight from Toronto to Tokyo. The plan is to ship off all our big luggage at the airport and just take our carry-ons and small bags for orientation and the trip to Tottori. I think that's probably cheaper than paying to ship some stuff by surface mail (boots and winter things, etc.). I've been collecting lots of activities for Yana on the flight, so carrying those will be the main purpose of her backpack.

These days Yana is either singing "Let It Go" or asking when we're moving to our new house, so she seems pretty upbeat and excited about it, which is good. She's been a real trooper lately, especially with switching to a new daycare for 1 week, camp for the next, and now stuck at home with us since the local transit is down and we can't bring her back to the daycare.

I think that's about it as far as news goes. I just wanted to post a little update as its been nearly a month since I last checked in. Next post will probably be about the mandatory farewell party-thing in Toronto on August 1st!

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